Strawberry E-Liquid (Original Cirro Recipe)
If you’re looking for the original Cirro Strawberry Sensation flavour e-liquid , look no further. Here you’ll find the Original Cirro Flavours and its strawberry e-liquid, with a fruity and sweet flavour that we all know and love in our juice. Strawberry e-liquid is one of the most popular flavours of 10 ml vape e-liquid available, with its fresh and juicy strawberry taste, bringing an ever so slightly tangy taste to the juice. Original C's Strawberry e-liquid is reminiscent of the UK's favourite strawberry jam with a hint of strawberry laces we all used to enjoy so much. This sweet concoction of strawberry juice makes the perfect bottle of e-liquid for vaping in those long summer evenings. Whether you’re new to vaping e-liquid or hoping to venture out and try a new vape liquid flavour, strawberry e-liquid is a great place to start in trying something that will taste great every time. Original C are the original UK manufacturers of Cirro Strawberry Sensation e-liquids, and our sweet and fruity strawberry flavoured e-liquid uses the original strawberry sensation recipe from Cirro that you used to love.