Blueberry E-Liquid (Original Cirro Recipe)
Using the original Cirro recipe, Original C can bring you our single flavour blueberry e-liquid. Bursting with the beloved blueberry flavour, this vape e-liquid provides the perfect balance between the sweetness of blueberry and vapour production. The Cirro blueberry e-liquid as many vapers know and love is available in 3 different strengths of nicotine - 6 mg, 11 mg and 18mg - allowing you to choose the right mg of nicotine to suit your needs. If you miss the Cirro flavours, and more specifically - the original Cirro blueberry flavour, look no further, as you will find the great tasting original flavour and ingredients right here in Original Cirro's Blueberry vape liquid! Don’t forget to check out our other popular flavours and let us know what you think of our blueberry e-liquid flavour.