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MPs back Smoking Ban for those born after 2009

So what are MPs saying about the smoking ban?

Members of Parliament have approved a plan to stop anyone born after 2009 from buying cigarettes. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak led the charge, even though some top Tories disagreed. Health Secretary Victoria Atkins defended the move, saying addiction takes away freedom. The Tobacco and Vapes Bill passed with a big vote—383 for and 67 against. If it becomes law, the UK will have super strict smoking rules, inspired by New Zealand. Atkins said it's about creating a generation that doesn't smoke. But some Tories, like Liz Truss, worry it's too much control over people's lives. Boris Johnson even called it "absolutely nuts." Conservative MPs got to vote freely, but Labour's support pushed it through.

It's not law yet. There are more steps, like votes in the House of Lords. But it might happen before the next election in 2024. Labour's Wes Streeting criticized Sunak for letting MPs vote freely. He thinks Sunak couldn't handle party rebels. 178 Tory MPs backed the plan, but 57 didn't. Anne-Marie Trevelyan skipped the vote, showing doubts. Some MPs didn't vote at all, including Penny Mordaunt and Lee Anderson. Sunak first talked about the ban last October. During the debate, Truss and others argued it's too much government control, but Atkins said it's about saving people from addiction. England's top doctor, Chris Whitty, said addiction takes away choices. Smoking kills thousands each year, and vaping among kids is rising fast. The bill also targets vaping, making it less attractive to kids and punishing shops selling to minors.

Why again is smoking bad for me and my family?

In today's world, where health and wellness are becoming increasingly prioritized, it's crucial to shine a light on habits that pose significant risks to our well-being. Smoking, in particular, stands out as one of the most harmful practices, affecting not only the individual but also those around them. Let's delve into why smoking is bad for you and why it's essential to kick this habit to the curb.

Health Risks: Smoking is a leading cause of various life-threatening diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The chemicals in cigarettes harm nearly every organ in the body, increasing the risk of developing these serious conditions. Moreover, smoking weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Second-hand Smoke: It's not just smokers who are at risk. Second-hand smoke, the smoke exhaled by smokers and the smoke emitted from burning cigarettes, is equally harmful. Non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke face similar health risks, including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer. Protecting non-smokers from the dangers of second-hand smoke is another compelling reason to quit smoking.

Financial Burden: Smoking is not only detrimental to health but also to finances. The cost of cigarettes adds up over time, draining financial resources that could be allocated to more meaningful pursuits. By quitting smoking, individuals can save a substantial amount of money in the long run, improving their financial well-being.

Impact on Future Generations: Smoking during pregnancy poses serious risks to both the mother and the unborn child. Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to experience complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects. Additionally, exposure to cigarette smoke in utero increases the child's risk of developing health issues later in life. Quitting smoking is crucial for the health and well-being of future generations.

Social Stigma: As awareness of the health risks associated with smoking grows, societal attitudes toward smoking are evolving. Smoking is increasingly viewed as socially unacceptable in many circles, leading to social ostracization and stigma for smokers. Breaking free from the grip of nicotine addiction can help individuals avoid the social consequences associated with smoking.

Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of cigarettes have significant environmental consequences. From deforestation caused by tobacco farming to pollution from cigarette butts, the environmental footprint of smoking is substantial. By quitting smoking, individuals can contribute to a healthier planet and reduce their carbon footprint.

Quality of Life: Beyond the physical health implications, smoking can diminish overall quality of life. Smokers often experience reduced stamina, decreased lung function, and impaired sense of taste and smell. Quitting smoking can lead to immediate improvements in energy levels, respiratory health, and overall well-being, enhancing quality of life in profound ways.

the detrimental effects of smoking extend far beyond individual health—they impact families, communities, and the environment. By understanding the risks associated with smoking and taking proactive steps to quit, individuals can reclaim their health, protect their loved ones, and contribute to a healthier, smoke-free world. If you or someone you know is struggling with smoking cessation, don't hesitate to seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or quit-smoking resources. The journey to a smoke-free life begins with a single step towards better health and wellness.

If I stop now, would I / my body fully recover?

Are you a smoker looking to reclaim your health and vitality? The good news is that by quitting smoking today, you can set yourself on a path to rapid recovery and a brighter, healthier future. Let's explore just how quickly your body can bounce back once you kick the habit.

Day 1:

  • Within hours of quitting smoking, carbon monoxide levels in your blood drop, allowing oxygen levels to return to normal.
  • Improved circulation leads to increased energy levels and a sense of vitality.
  • Your heart rate and blood pressure start to decrease, reducing strain on your cardiovascular system.

Day 2-3:

  • Your sense of taste and smell begin to improve as nerve endings damaged by smoking start to repair themselves.
  • Breathing becomes easier as your lung function starts to improve, and the cilia in your airways begin to regrow, clearing out mucus and debris.

Week 1-2:

  • Physical withdrawal symptoms may peak during this time, but they gradually subside as your body adjusts to life without nicotine.
  • Coughing and shortness of breath decrease as lung function continues to improve.
  • Improved circulation may lead to warmer hands and feet.

Week 3-4:

  • Your lungs are now better able to handle mucus, leading to further reduction in coughing and wheezing.
  • Energy levels continue to increase as your body adapts to functioning without the effects of nicotine.
  • Skin may start to appear brighter and more hydrated as circulation improves.

Month 1-3:

  • Lung function continues to improve, with increased capacity for physical activity and exercise.
  • Risk of heart disease starts to decline as blood pressure and heart rate normalize.
  • Immune system strengthens, reducing susceptibility to infections and illnesses.

Months 3-6:

  • Breathing becomes noticeably easier, with reduced shortness of breath and improved endurance.
  • Sense of taste and smell are fully restored, allowing you to fully enjoy the flavours and aromas of food and drink.
  • Skin appears healthier and more youthful, with reduced wrinkles and improved complexion.

Year 1:

  • Risk of heart disease drops significantly compared to when you were smoking.
  • Lung function reaches its maximum improvement, with significantly reduced risk of COPD and other respiratory conditions.
  • Financial savings from not buying cigarettes begin to accumulate, improving overall financial well-being.

Long-Term Benefits:

  • Reduced risk of developing smoking-related diseases such as cancer, COPD, and emphysema.
  • Improved overall quality of life, with increased energy, vitality, and longevity.
  • Positive example set for friends, family, and others considering quitting smoking.

How can I help myself to finally stop smoking?

Vaping stands out as an effective aid for those striving to overcome nicotine addiction and quit smoking. Unlike traditional cigarettes, vaping devices deliver nicotine in a controlled manner without the harmful toxins generated by burning tobacco. This controlled delivery enables vapers to gradually reduce nicotine intake by adjusting the concentration in e-liquids, thereby easing withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.

Additionally, the hand-to-mouth ritual of vaping closely resembles smoking, offering smokers a familiar alternative that facilitates the transition away from cigarettes. The diverse array of flavours available in vaping further enhances its appeal, providing individuals with enjoyable alternatives to the taste of tobacco. While vaping does carry some risks, research indicates that it is significantly less harmful than smoking and can effectively aid smokers in their cessation efforts. Paired with behavioural support and counselling, vaping emerges as a valuable tool in helping individuals achieve their goal of living smoke-free.

Numerous doctors and public health experts lend their support to vaping as a means to quit smoking, emphasizing its potential for harm reduction. Institutions like Public Health England have asserted that vaping is approximately 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. In some cases, healthcare professionals even prescribe vaping products as part of smoking cessation programs, recognizing the value of harm reduction in aiding smokers in their journey to quit. Studies have consistently shown that vaping surpasses other traditional nicotine replacement therapies in long-term smoking cessation efficacy. By endorsing vaping as a safer alternative to smoking, doctors empower smokers with additional options to conquer their addiction and enhance their overall well-being.

Looking to quit yourself or want to help a friend or family member, here is a selection of our Original Cirro Vape Liquid Flavours. This includes also cigalikes refills. We also offer a range of gift cards, allowing your friend or family member to make their own choice on the flavour and device they prefer.